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Give Them Religion

Not the underlying esoteric elements of religion, but the exoteric side. The section will cover specifically Christendom from its origins and the evolution of the basic tenants and practices. Covering areas like:
The early church before Constantine
What did the Reformation accomplish?
Reformers and what we chose to forget about them.
Two-Kingdom mentality and how the concept died and was transformed for world-domination by the Vatican.
The take-over of evangelicalism by the Protestant version of Dominionism: Seven Spheres/Hills and the New Apostolic Reformation.

Was Jesus Christ just a CopyCat Savior Myth?

Was Jesus Christ just a CopyCat Savior Myth? Original Article This is one of those questions that amaze me that it is STILL I decided to write it all up. Often I get an email that reads like this: The reason for this letter

Zeitgeist: The Disaster

The hook into Luciferianism Chris White's Original Debunk This is an original post of Chris White back on July 2007 here. Zeitgeist the new “truth” movie being promoted by its makers on conspiracy message boards around the internet has been thoroughly debunked. It is disgusting
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